H.O.G.® Membership
Why Join Harley Owners Group®?
Harley Owners Group® (affectionately referred to as H.O.G.®) is a global riding organization made up of people that own and ride Harley-Davidson® motorcycles. It is family oriented, non-political and non-religious. With millions of members all over the world, as a member of H.O.G.® you are connected to this vast network of commraderie and a passion for motorcycling. With hundreds of members locally, you have a network of people to go riding with.
How to Join Oakland H.O.G.®
Step 1: Own a Harley-Davidson® Motorcycle.
The Harley Owners Group® is, after all, a group of Harley® owners.
If you need help with this step, the folks at Oakland Harley-Davidson® will be glad to help. -
Step 2: Become a Member of National Harley Owners Group®
H.O.G.® is the national organization run by the Harley-Davidson® Motor Company (the corporation and its employees). You can join H.O.G.® by visiting their website, www.hog.com, or by calling 1-800-668-4836.
A membership is $49 per year and includes many benefits including a magazine subscription, a touring map book, a pin, a patch, various programs, and more. Scroll down for full details. -
Step 3: Join Oakland CA H.O.G.®
Membership to the Oakland CA H.O.G.® Chapter is free!
You can join Oakland CA H.O.G.® by completing the Membership Enrollment & Release Form and bringing it with you to our Monthly Meeting or to the dealership at your convenience. Scroll down for full details.
Want to learn more about the Oakland CA H.O.G.® Chapter? Click here.
National H.O.G.® Membership
There are many benefits to a National H.O.G.® Membership. Many members find that the Roadside Assistance, Motorcycle Shipping and the Theft Reward programs are invaluable. Others love the members-only website, magazine, emails and other stories. Some members love competing in the Ride365 mileage contests. Most love meeting up with other members for rides, either locally with their H.O.G.® Chapter or at countless Rallies and Events held throughout the year and around the world.
Click to see a full list of benefits.Membership Types
Have you purchased a new or pre-owned Harley-Davidson® motorcycle from Oakland Harley-Davidson® in the last 12 months? Ask about your free one-year National H.O.G.® membership!FULL MEMBERSHIP: $59* / year
- Offers the fullest range of valuable H.O.G.® benefits - exclusively for riders who own their own Harley-Davidson® motorcycle.
- Own a Harley-Davidson motorcycle and submit an application.
Membership Forms
- Sign up online HERE
- Call 1-800-258-2464 (Monday-Friday, 8:30am-5:00pm CDT)
- You will be assigned a National H.O.G.® number immediately. A membership package will arrive within 4-6 weeks.
Oakland CA H.O.G.® Chapter
Being a member of Oakland CA H.O.G.® Chapter means always having a friendly face to go riding with. Ride information is posted on the online calendar as well as the Facebook group. Chapter meetings are held to socialize and talk about upcoming rides or events. Awards are given for participation in rides and events. Officers are elected each year to help keep everyone organized. Road Captains volunteer to lead rides.
Membership Types
- There's only one type! Oakland CA H.O.G.® Chapter Member! Dues are FREE!
- Valid/Active National H.O.G.® Membership and submitting a membership form
How to Join/Renew
- Have you purchased a new or pre-owned Harley-Davidson® motorcycle from Oakland Harley-Davidson® in the last 12 months? Ask about your free one-year National H.O.G.® membership!
- Attend a Oakland CA H.O.G.® Chapter Meeting - more information about meetings OR print the membership form below and mail to:
Oakland Harley-Davidson®
Attn: Secretary H.O.G.®
151 Hegenberger Road
Oakland, CA 94621Membership Forms
Download your membership form HERE.
H.O.G.® Chapter Online Privacy Statement