H.O.G.® Chapter Meetings

When and Where?
Oakland CA H.O.G.® Chapter meetings are held on the first Saturday of the month at 11:00 am at the Oakland dealership, 151 Hegenberger Road.
What Happens at a Chapter Meeting?
Chapter meetings are the one opportunity each month where the group gets together to celebrate all that happened last month and all that is coming up this month. The Director will introduce any new members to the group. The Assistant Director will talk about different ways the chapter is working to include new riders. The Secretary will collect any membership forms or waivers from previous rides. The Activities Officer will talk about the upcoming month's rides and events. Then we all go on a ride!
Do I Have to Show up to Meetings?
Absolutely not. We get that most people have too many meetings each day just going to work. The last thing we want is some dumb mandatory meeting. These meetings are optional and always followed up with a ride. After all - that's why we are in this group - to ride.
Want to learn more about the Oakland CA H.O.G.® Chapter? Click here.